Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Award-Winning Art (With Discussion Questions For The Classroom)

"A Circus Clown Flipping Off A Bowl Of Guacamole"

-Note the way the yellow of the clown suit contrasts with the blackness of the guacamole pedestal. What does this say about the state of contemporary literature?

-What does the clown represent? Why is he so angry? And most importantly, why are his shoes the same color as his suit? Is this an allegory for the plight of the working man, or did the artist simply forget to make them a different color because he is forgetful and not detail oriented?

-The clown's nose and hair are the same color as the tomatoes in the guacamole. How does this offend you? Does it make you question your religious beliefs?

-Given that the guacamole is intended as a commentary on our nation's out-of-control war machine, do you think the artist should have drawn in a few lime wedges as a garnish/subtle reference to Karl Rove? Why or why not? Furthermore, wouldn't Karl Rove be an awesome name for a bassist in a Swedish black metal band? Imagine Karl Rove with a long mustache and a pentagram necklace and you'll see what I mean.

-Man, couldn't you go for some guacamole right now? And maybe a margarita? Dude, that would be sooooo tasty...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is kind of weird. even for you. its funny still, but you know... weird-funny.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Jonathan T said...

1-Contemporary literature is tasty.

2-He represents the anger in all of us and his same color shoes represents his lack of fashion. The working man rocks!

3-The first question isn't a question. It offends me down to my yellow shoes. No.

4-Lime wedges would have been good. Plus some chips and a tasty beverage. Margaritas are good, but only if they use a top shelf tequila.
Karl Rove and the Deathmongers should be the opening band for Bush...the real band. Quite ironic.

5-Mmmm...guacamole. And some quesadillas for dipping.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Anonymous... Beats "creepy-funny."

Jonathan... Thanks for the heads up on the punctuation issue. I am, it's true, not much of an edioter.

4:09 PM  
Blogger The [Cherry] Ride said...

Why has nobody pointed out that the clown's second arm springs from his stomach? I can buy everything else in the post except that.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

That's not his arm, Cherry.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

[cherry]... I don't know what's worse, that I drew it that way, or that I didn't *notice* that I'd drawn it that way. An artist, I ain't.

Big Daddy... Hi-oh!!!

9:03 PM  

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