Monday, May 07, 2007

When Real Life Is Science Fiction

I'm going to admit up front that I didn't even bother to read the article. Frankly, I don't care what the story is "actually" about. All I care about is that the headline to this article just described the best science-fiction movie I've never seen.

And I fucking need to see that movie, like, immediately.

Oh and please note, whatever craziness is going down here with the fire ants and viruses and whatnot... yeah, that's happening in Texas.


Oh... shit... So I guess this is the article that finally outs all us Texans as the awesome virus-wielding bug warriors that we actually are. Hey, you know what? It's a good thing. I guess it's time the truth was finally known. What a relief to have that weight off my shoulders.

Also, Texans are from outer space. And we never die because we're made from Moon rocks. There's more, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.


Blogger freshbread said...

"In South America, [the fire ants] have dozens of natural enemies. But researchers don't know whether those predators could be introduced here.

Among them is the In South America, they have dozens of natural enemies. But researchers don't know whether those predators could be introduced here.

Among them is the small phorid fly, which seeks out fire ants and lays its eggs on them. The eggs hatch into tiny maggots that bore into the heads of their host and feed on its brains."

Yes!! News rocks! They should have some music playing in the background like from the sloth video.

Feckin' yahoo. And yeah, go ahead and introduce not only another pesticide but a fucking virus(!!) into farmlands, that's real looong-term thinking.

1:19 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

I know, right? I finally went back and read the article and it's pretty much the worst idea in the history of ideas.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

I actually just saw on that 'Planet Earth' show, there's this mold that make ants go crazy. And once the nest realizes an ant is going loco, they take it and dump it far away from the hive.

The spores mutate, kill the ant, and then shoot out a projectile through the back of the head, that introduces yet, even more spores to the air.

It was a lot like 'Alien'.

6:02 PM  

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