Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Clip Show

It's going to be a king-hell, ass-kicker of a busy day for yours truly hear at the office. Got to get those invoices processed or... I don't know... New York will implode and the Baby Jesus will get all mad n' stuff. Or something. No one's ever really explained to me what happens when the invoices don't get input on time. I can only assume the worst.

At any rate, since I'm going to be up to my neck in fast-flowing waters today, and since we've had a bit of an influx of newcomers around here, I thought now would be a perfect time for a good old fashioned, heart-warming...


Remember the wacky time that I got into a fight with a door in Chinatown...

Or that loveable old scamp, Cap’n Skinnybones, who taught us all the value of a tidy captain's hat and also... how to love...

Hey, look who's here! It's my neighbors that hate each other! Come on in!!!...

There was that one, Very Special Post where I learned the value of a dollar...

And how could we forget the exciting, thrilling cliffhanger where I nearly died...

Yes, we've been through a lot here at Zombie Fights Shark! We've laughed, we've cried; we've learned a lot about life on this crazy planet; we've scaled the heights and plummed the depths; we've carried each other's books to class and we've made out in a car behind the gym; we've... we've...



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