Monday, January 14, 2008

An Artistic Representation Of My Newly-Acquired Fever Blister

That's right, I've got a fever blister. And no, it's not because I had sex with a diseased, crack-addled prostitute. I mean, I did have sex with a diseased, crack-addled prostitute, but the fever blister showed up just before that all went down, so I'm pretty sure it comes from another source (the crabs, however, are an entirely different story). Truthfully, I don't know why, exactly, I get fever blisters; all I know is I usually wake up sporting one at least two or three times a year and that this has been the case since I was a kid. They seem to show up when there's been weird changes in the weather, or right after I've been sick, both of which being things that have occurred in the last couple of days.

Anyway, it hurts. And it's made me grumpy, because even though I know in my brain that it's really not that noticeable, in my heart I still feel like John Merrick. Not to mention this is all happening on the day after the Cowboy's heartbreaking loss to the Giants in the playoffs. Kick a man while his sports team is down, why dontcha?


Everything is sadness and soggy do-scuits for the C-dog, kids. Why does the sun never shine for me? Why, Jesus... why?

NOTE: Jesus probably won't answer me. He's such a jerk. Jerky Jesus, that's what I'm going to call him from now on.

2ND NOTE: If someone were to create a religion-themed line of dried, cured meats and sell them under the name, "Jesus Jerky," they'd probably make a fortune in the South. Just sayin'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are fever blisters the same thing as cold sores, or something different? If so, I think that cold sores are a version of the herpes virus (i.e. chicken pox, shingles, etc), and once you've gotten it, you'll always have it. Hence you getting them every year. And I know that if you've had shingles previously, that you can get them again in cases of stress to the body, physically or mentally. SO, ergo, maybe being sick put such a strain on your body that you got a fever blister?

(Wow, I sound like I know just enough to be dangerous, huh?)

9:40 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

That sounds about right. I know it's a form of herpes, but it's not *that* kind of herpes. Still, having to explain that just makes it look like I'm hiding something. Which I'm totally not.


10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better...

I had LASIK surgery last Friday and my eyes are not reacting well to the flourescent lights here in the office. So I have had pretty much a migraine all day.

On the other hand, I kind of wish they had screwed up the procedure so I wouldn't have been able to watch the piss poor effort displayed by the Cowboys against a highly overrated Giant team.

Life pretty much sucks in Dallas right now.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently I posted that three times.... sorry.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Scott... No worries, the situation has been handled. As for the Cowboys... yeah, I don't know man. Nasty loss. To make matters worse, I work in an office full of Giants fans. I've pretty much been hiding at my desk all day.

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Artistically svelte, nice!

9:17 PM  
Blogger i i eee said...

Um, you better patent that Jesus Jerky idea, quick! Genius.

Sorry bout the fever sores. Hope you heal up soon.

10:49 PM  

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