Really funny, but it kind of helps if you've seen
Walk The Line. I mean, it's not
mandatory exactly, but it's kind of like how it really helps to have seen a porno before you get down in the sack with a fine lady. Or a dude. Whatever your preference. Oh, speaking of... like, fair warning, but there's a couple of instances of very
prominently displayed "man junk" in this movie. And not particularly good-looking, well-groomed man junk either. Regular guy man junk. Not that I'm an authority or anything; I couldn't tell you what really, technically qualifies as good or not-good man junk because I never really look at that sort of thing. I'm just saying that I'm
totally straight and that if you're man-junk shy, then be prepared to avert your eyes a couple of times. Otherwise, peep away. Which I didn't do, because I'm
sooooo straight, which I believe I mentioned. Anyway, like I said, it's a fairly large bundle of laughs (the movie, I mean...); for one thing, John C. Reilly quite simply works his ass off in the lead role. They don't give out Oscars for quality comedy work (or at least they do so with such rarity that it's barely worth mentioning), but if they did, well, Mr. Reilly would have a shiny gold statue for his bookshelf after this. I guess he'll have to settle for a Golden Globe. Which is kind of like settling for a bag of
diarrhea at an all-u-can-eat buffet. Or something... Look, just check out
Walk Hard if it's the kind of movie that you'd think you would like. Otherwise, don't worry about it.

This is pretty much the most non-conformist Hollywood blockbuster I've seen in many, many moons. To that end, and without giving away too much of the plot (because I'm not a total knob), I can say that the previews are misleading as to the content of said film. There's some action, yes, and there's more than a
helpin' of weirdo zombie vampires, but... but... that's like a fourth of the movie. For the first hour or so, it's really just Will Smith cruising around an
abandoned, post-
apocalyptic New York, slowly-yet-
unactorly going insane. It's really quite moving, to tell you the truth, and the flashbacks to how shit went down only make it more so. Which is not to say that
I Am Legend isn't exciting or scary; it totally is. There's this one part that had me clenching so tight, I had to buy the
UA Eastchase theater a new seat because I sucked part of the one I was sitting in up my butt. However, to be totally honest, I thought the movie lost a little bit of steam towards the end. It didn't totally fuck itself over like
Haute Tension or
Signs or anything, but you know... things got a little weak as it wound to a close. Whatever though, it's still all good. You should for sure check it out, because they don't make zombie movies where the baseline emotion is "sad" much, so it's cool to see it when they do. Oh... one other thing... when we went to see it, the theater had the title condensed on the sign (to save space, I guess) so it read, "I'm Legend." For some reason, their use of a contraction made me laugh. Could just be a "me" thing, though.

Cute flick. Nothing super-special, and I seem to be the only one in my family who thought it was worth anything, but I'd recommend checking it if for no other reason than to see Kevin Smith in a movie that's not of his own making. He gives a really funny, actually-
sensitive performance in this and... now that I think about it... it's probably the only reason I liked
Catch and Release at all. Take that as you will, I guess. Oh and for the record, Jennifer Garner does not get naked in the movie at any point. I kind of knew that going in, but you still hope that maybe something got past Mr. Skin and you're the first one to catch because, honestly, who'd watch this otherwise. But to no avail.

It's been well-established on this blog that I'm just a huge theater queen. As such, I tend to be pretty picky when it comes to screen adaptations of popular Broadway shows. For example, I thought the movie version of
RENT was like Hollywood taking a time machine back to 1996 and pissing all over Jonathan Larson's grave. Though I do understand that some people thought it was okay. My point is, most movie versions of musicals suck. Sometimes though, they don't. Case in point: Tim Burton's
Sweeney Todd. Guys, no joke, it's just so fucking good. I'm usually not a huge fan of Burton's; he strikes me as someone that I probably would have had no choice but to bully in High School. But when somebody puts on show like he does with this... well, there's nothing to do but bow and scrape and genuflect and do whatever else he wants. Even some cuddling. And let's not forget the gore! Oh yes... there is blood.
Gouts of it, like burst fire
hydrants even... it pours from people's necks like a
fire hose that's shaken off the men
controlling it, drenching all those in it's path. In other words, it's awesomely bloody and if that's what you dig, then look no further. Johnny
Depp should also be mentioned, as he owns the part of
Sweeney and, even all grotty-ed up and homicidal, he's absolutely dreamy. Overall, one of the best movies of the year. No doubt.
I agree, the Rent movie was so very bad. Like, you witnessed a car accident and you know you shouldn't stare, but you look anyway and instantly regret it. That bad.
*spoiler alert*
Did you groan and hate the schmaltz of the butterfly as much as I did in I Am Legend? I loved the movie, thought it was an awesome meditative action movie (for the first hour and 15 minutes at least) and even liked the standard action movie ending but I hated that god damned plot point about the butterfly.
I agree with you totally on the I Am Legend bit (if the part you're referring to is what I'm thinking of, and it almost surely is, I... well yeah, it was bad.). I guess I enjoyed it enough - Will Smith definitely acted the hell out of that movie. But being a fan of the book, I already knew going in that I likely wouldn't be satisfied with the direction they took with it. But by itself, it was okay.
Sweeney Todd = YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. Holy fuck, that was a good movie. Although now I'm anxious to see/hear the original musical and compare. But yes, AWESOME. :)
Happy New Year, btw!!! :)
'i am legend' is about will smith. he's able to corral his charisma enough and work his personal formula of becoming an actor, focusing on films with action, special effects and monsters... that he walks away from films that get bad reviews unscathed. this is another example of that teflon ability. the film was good for the first hour and meh for the last bit, with a predictable ending... i think they should have developed the whole battle between the head zombie and smith far more than they did.
loved sweeney todd, and i, too, adored the perfection of the revival.
I totally plan to see I am Legend asap, although nothing can top Heston as the Omega Man. I like to call him Omegs.
I think there is a knockoff “I am Legend, Omegaman” movie with the Chairman from Iron Chef America that as with all his movies went straight from the editing room to DVD. I saw it at the store and was tempted to rent it but figured I didn’t want to commit suicide over the holidays as it would have bummed the family out.
I'm so excited to see Sweeney!!!! My biggest problem with the Rent movie (and I had many, many problems with the Rent movie) was using the original actors who are now mid-30s instead of the mid 20s they're supposed to be. Mid 20s is inspiring. Mid 30s just seems pathetic.
Agreed. I was also not a fan of the Bon Jovi-ification of Roger's part of "What You Own."
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