Wine Makes Me A Shitty Person
No particular reason... it tastes fine, I don't find it "fruity" like some men do, and I generally think you could do a lot a worse for yourself if you're looking for a beverage to alter your consciousness (Smirnoff Ices come immediately to mind; those things taste like candied cat pee). Still, the fact remains: Wine and I tend to not enjoy the pleasure of each other's company. Unless I suddenly come into a bunch of free bottles of wine, as I did yesterday... then wine and I are like those two girls in High School who always hung out together, invented their own language during their every-weekend slumber parties, and who are currently planning together a commitment ceremony to be held out in the New Mexico desert during a full moon. Free wine and I are 24/7, BFF, like for real, OMG.
Anyway, my point is, last night I drank two bottles of red wine. And it turned me into a shitty person.
Here's what happened... Girlfriend and I got sucked into that World Series of Pop Culture show they've got going on over at VH1.
Side Note: I'm just so insanely good at that show, it's a crime on par with a presidential assassination that I'm not on it right now, dropping mad knowledge on the bunch of wiseasses they call contestants who think they're all clever because they know how to do "The Carlton." Next year, if they have the WSoPC again, I will be there... winning fat bags of cash and giving a clinic on how best to employ a vast array of useless trivia (and my clinics are free).
So, we're watching the WSoPC and I'm getting well into my wine and it comes up that, nightly, there's an online trivia competition after the show; first prize is 2500$. Girlfriend gets excited, says we should do it, and I grumble a response that's unintelligible because it's said down the neck of a bottle. Cut to: The show ends and the online competition is about to start. I've since turned my attention to Ace Of Cakes on the Food Network (I've got a pretty healthy crush on Mary Alice; on Chef Duff, too, actually) and have become uninterested in all things trivia-related, which only goes to show you how far astray the wine had led me.
Girlfriend, very sweetly, asks me to come play the trivia game with her. I balk. Again, she asks, reminding me that I'd already said I'd play and that it is for actual money. I point to the TV and say things that are rude. She asks again and, finally, I do that thing that 8-year-olds do when they're being forced to go to Church; I sigh exasperatedly, and I stomp over to the computer, shoulders-slumped, my shitty attitude stinking up the room like a garlic fart.
The first question is something easy (I don't remember what, exactly, but the answer was Pamela Anderson). And then we get the second question...
What was the artifact they were looking for in the the first Indiana Jones movie?
Well, obviously, it's the Ark of the Covenant. But Girlfriend doesn't know this off the top of her head because she hasn't seen that movie in a million years and, quite frankly, has other shit to worry about that's not pop culture facts (unlike myself, who has that kind of time). She turns to me for the answer and I, without hesitating say...
"The Holy Grail."
She clicks the corresponding button and we're immediately kicked out of the game. She looks at me, sad-faced, and I mutter guiltily, "Oh yeah, I was thinking of the third one sorry or whatever."
And then I realized that I'm the worst fucking person on the planet. There's low and then there's intentionally throwing an online trivia game because you're being a petulant child. Who's drunk on wine. Which is the real culprit here, ya know... were I drinking whiskey or beer or anything else, I'd have said, "Woooooo!!! Trivia!!!" and we'd now be 2500$ richer and I'd be Girlfriends hero. But no, I was drinking wine, which makes me moody and surly and basically a supporting character on My So-Called Life.
As penance, Girlfriend demanded that we play a couple of rounds of Halo (in which she beat me handily; it's our version of couples therapy) and give her a back rub, which frankly I think is letting me off a little light. I think I deserve, for the crime of Drunken Douchery, at least a good hard slap across the chops.
Although I do have a nasty, red-wine hangover at the moment, so I guess there is some form of justice in the world.
In all seriousness, you and I together could probably win that show.
Then after that of course rule the galaxy as father and son.
And not to be more of a geek but the question
What was the artifact they were looking for in the the first Indiana Jones movie?
is misleading. Techinacally Temple of Doom is first because it is a prequel. So the question is flawed to begin with.
Totally. We would melt their faces off with our combined knowledge of all things nerdly. Next year, man... next year...
Oh, and about the Indy films... Word. I'd actually forgotten about that, but you're totally right. wine was the problem. If you had drunk white, then you would be all chipper. Red wine is depressing. White is happy! And fruity!
I get the sense that you would rock at the Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture DVD edition. That's a fun game, particularly if you have margaritas while you play.
I don't like white wine as a general rule; too sweet. I have issues with sweet alcohol. Makes me barf.
BrookLyn Gal... Yeah, I'd probably whup ass at that. Margaritas or not.
Oooh, I watched that, too for a minute! And I was doing awesome at my pretend version of it, and then they got to the Ferris Bueller questions and I was like, "wtf? did these people major in Ferris Bueller???" I didn't know a single one of them, except "Twist and Shout."
And with Ace of Cakes, I am all about Geoff. Geoff needs to just marry me right this minute. I am ready for my life of geeky cake love in Balmer.
i really have no idea what any of you people are talking about.
i need to watch more tv.
although i remain nonplussed by only 2 bottles of wine, i love that you crushed your girlfriend's dreams because of it. we could totally be friends now.
Yah, red wine is evil.
I always get headaches from it.
White is the way to go.
But then again I like light and fruity wines.
Especially Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Muscat, or a nice champagne.
[Damn. Looks like I am hitting the liquor store on the way home].
I think different types of hooch do affect you differently.
I act weird if I drink tequila.
Oh and, yah, on the Ferris questions.
Like 'how many days had Ferris already missed that semester?'.
At least I know I am smarter than a fifth grader.
i watched. it all. and it was awesome. and i owned every category. except the ones i didn't know. if only the sat had been made up of trivia.
also, i love me some food network, but ace of cakes takes the cake - in boring5000. i want to like it, but i just can't. kind of like giada.
who the fuck knows exactly how many days of school Ferris missed causing him to need to "barf up a lung"?
who thew fuck knows all the words to the Cameron song?
these people are not drinking enough wine. something needs to be done.
Indianapolis Jones is that movie with Han Solo, right?
'When Cameron was in Egypt's land, let my Cameron go.'
I forgot it until I saw the show.
Stewpid... Uh... I knew all the Ferris questions. Also, regarding Geoff, if you look around on Youtube, you can find some clips of him playing his music. It's okay.
D... Nah, you're probably better off.
Mr. Shain... Glad I've finally won your heart.
Big Daddy... Tequila makes everyone weird. If not felonious.
Blythe... The only catagory I sucked at was that had a lot to do with rap songs. Also, AoC isn't boring... it's just mellow. Dunno, I find them all very entertaining.
Braden... No, you're thinking of Air Force One.
i know i've said it before, but girlfriend really does just seem like quite possibly the coolest person on the planet.
what do you have on her that causes her to keep putting up with your crap?
Yeah, she's pretty much the bomb-diggity. Oh, and the answer to your question: The antidote.
The real answer is that Clint's family legally has adopted me. And by "adopted" I mean gave me lots of money.
In Clint's defense neither of us were sober, and Clint probablly couldn't have won the World Series of Pop Culture anyway.
Want to see a cake made by Chef Duff just last week?
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