The Oddest Thing I've Heard Today
Apparently Aaron Sorkin is teaming up with The Flaming Lips to turn the latter's album "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" into a new Broadway musical.
The first thing that comes to mind is, naturally, "Wha...?"
I don't really know what to think about this. It's weird.... I like Aaron Sorkin; A lot, actually. And I like The Flaming Lips (well, I liked that specific album, anyway). But, you know, I like beer and I like Lucky Charms, but I wouldn't necessarily put one with the other.
Hmm... I'm actually at a bit of a loss here. Thoughts, guys?
Source: Gawker
The first thing that comes to mind is, naturally, "Wha...?"
I don't really know what to think about this. It's weird.... I like Aaron Sorkin; A lot, actually. And I like The Flaming Lips (well, I liked that specific album, anyway). But, you know, I like beer and I like Lucky Charms, but I wouldn't necessarily put one with the other.
Hmm... I'm actually at a bit of a loss here. Thoughts, guys?
Source: Gawker
Sure, it sounds crazy but beer and Lucky Charms might actually be good together.
Sounds like a high level boy scout scam.
Jeff... Now that I've brought it up, I guess i'm going to have to try it. I understand that's how the internet works.
Beehive... DAMN YOU, BOY SCOUTS!!!!!
Does that mean Sorkin is ending Studio 60?
The latest I'd heard about Studio 60 was that the network was still deciding whether or not to finish the season; I've also read that the ratings have been abysmal. It'd be nice to wrap up the season, though, and not with a West Wing styled cliffhanger.
I'm conflicted. It'd make a better Saturday morning cartoon but I'm still curious as to the results.
I see their ex-guitarist/graphics guy out a lot. I'll have to pick his brain for more information.
Braden... What sucks is that, because Studio 60's been off so long, I've kinda gotten over it. I'm thinking now I might just wait for the inevitable DVD and just watch the whole thing straight through.
Frances... I live in New York and I feel like I never see famous people. Although I did see Matt Damon the other day, so I guess, nevermind.
I think this sounds like the perfect excuse I've benn looking for to berak my vow of "never using hallucinogens again".
I know, right? Just thinking about it makes me see vapor trails.
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