Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Nothing but Flowers" by Talking Heads

I don't have to be in to the office until noon today, so I'm currently wallowing in a bit of a lazy morning. While I lounge around, watching the Price is Right and eating Salt and Pepper chips for breakfast, please enjoy some Talking Heads:

This, by the by, is one of my top 20 videos of all time. I know that it's not just a whole lot to look at, but for whatever reason it really does it for me. The Talking Heads have long been a favorite destination on the great spinning globe that is popular music and a big reason why is because they put out quirky, quasi-ironic songs like this. Also, David Byrne is just freakin' weird. I saw him do a book signing a few years ago (he had some kind of art book out) and, though quite funny and personable, he proved in my mind that his whole aura of oddness isn't an act. The dude gave, as part of his discussion of his book, a Powerpoint presentation. Who does that?

It was the hardest rockin' Powerpoint presentation I've ever seen.


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