Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Despite my aforementioned sourpussedness today, I do have a bit of good news to share with the class. This weekend, after over a year of occasional toil but mostly avoidance, I finally finished the play that I've been writing. This is good because, once I get it cleared by a certain NYC-based theater, I will have the opportunity to actually put the play on in front of a real, live audience. And I can call myself a playwright with out just flat-out lying to people, so that's a plus too. At any rate, I'm really proud of it and I think it's going to go over pretty well. Let's just say that, for a play about a first date, it has a lot of people vomiting blood. Good fun.

I'll keep all you kids posted as events develop, of course. Once we go into rehearsals, things will start moving fast and this blog will pretty much turn into a diary of me banging my head against a wall, trying to get this thing performance-ready. Should be fun, if for no other reason that you get to watch me have a nervous breakdown. Exciting, no?

But for now, a hearty HOORAY, ME!!!


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