Friday, September 08, 2006

Jesus Camp

Stuck at work, bored senseless, wandering around the internet looking for something to entertain my brain. Instead, while perusing the latest movie trailers, I found something that pretty much scares the shit out of me:

As I've said before, I'm all for people practicing their religion and going about their business, but stuff like this... talking about "God's army"... that's just crazy. I'm glad that someone was brave enough to wade into their midst and make a documentary about these sick fucks because, guarenteed, we need to keep an eye on these people.

Parenthetically, the kid with the gross mullet who appears to be preaching... anybody else getting a Children of the Corn vibe off of him?


Blogger Anthony said...

That is really scary. I'm pretty sure "God's Army" is an oxymoron.

2:57 PM  

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