Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hilarious Hilarity

Okay, first off, I wasn't aware that Cracked Magazine was even still around. Did anyone even really read them back in their heyday, when they were the Malt-O-Meal Fruit Wheels to Mad Magazine's Fruit Loops? Sure, I'd pick one up every now and again, but I always felt really ashamed and guilty about it the next day, like when you wake up hung over next to a young frat pledge named Randy who looks so content and... er... well that never happened! Ha ha, I'm a kidder and also hilarious. I love my girlfriend!!!

Anyway, I stumbled across Cracked Magazine's website today and they had this parody of the current Vanity Fair cover and, to my surprise, it made me laugh my sweet Texas ass off:

The expression on the baby's face just about kills me. Also, Tom Cruise is a tool. So big congrats to Cracked magazine for still being around, despite all logic, and to putting out something actually funny. Close up early and have a scotch.


Blogger Anthony said...

I still but MAD, but I thought Cracked was dead!! They dissapeared from the regular newstand at the super market. I guess I'll have to go to a snooty bookstore to get it. The things I do for good humor...

8:23 PM  

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