Friday, June 08, 2007

It's Only A Movie

Attention those of you who live in New York and would like to curry favor with yours truly: Starting on June 16th and running through July, there will be a retrospective of 70's-era and modern horror films showing at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. Now, I'll be the first to admit that not every movie they're showing is worth seeing (a couple are just flat-out terrible), but there's still enough good things here that everyone should be able to find something that they want to see. Film festivals like this, kids, are why it's awesome to live in NYC and it's also the kind of thing that needs to be supported, so the awesomeness will continue unabated. If you in any way can, please check this out. C-dog thanks you!

Here, now, is the list of what's showing. I've added my own comments on the movie selection, because as we all know, there's nothing I like better than passing judgement on the hard work of others:


NOTE: See the website linked above for dates, times, etc. because putting them here smacks of too much work.

The American Nightmare - Excellent documentary on the horror boom of the 70's
A Clockwork Orange - If you went to college, you probably watched this movie with a lot of stoned people at least once. A little overrated, if you ask me, but still worth seeing for Malcolm McDowell's performance alone.
Saw 2 - Er... wha...? The first one I could maybe understand, but the sequel's hardly in the same league as everything else here. It isn't, however, the worst movie at the fest. More on that in a bit.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - One of my favorite movies of all time; an art film masquerading as cheap horror. Gets better every time I see it.
The Devil's Rejects - Considering how much I hated House of a 1000 Corpses, I was surprised how much I liked this one. Still, with all the other good stuff around, this wouldn't be my pick to go see.
The Hills Have Eyes (1977) - I've always liked this movie, but most people find it deadly boring. Maybe I just like mutants?
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) - They're showing this back-to-back with the original, which is weird because they don't really deviate much from each other (except for this one is nasty gory).
The Host - I've heard this is excellent, but I haven't seen it.
The Bird With Crystal Plumage - This is one that I will definitely be catching. It's Dario Argento's first successful movie and it's what would have happened if Hitchcock had been born Italian. I've only seen this on DVD, so I'm totally jazzed about getting to check it out on the big screen.
Haute Tension - Incredible movie until, in the last 10 minutes, it goes completely and tragically off the rails. Haute Tension is everything that's wrong with the concept of the "twist ending."
Hostel - An great movie, but not really worth making the effort since you can find it everywhere on DVD.
It's Alive - I'll never understand why this movie isn't more of a cult classic than it already is. It's about a killer, mutant infant, for fuck's sake!!! Funny, scary and gross; worth checking out, for sure.
Rabid - One of David Cronenberg's first movies. Not the one I'd have picked to represent his work, but it's still pretty good, as is anything that contains sex-starved parasites.
Bug - I've heard very mixed things about this, but I haven't seen it.
Dawn of the Dead (2004) - I don't care what anyone says, I totally dug this remake; the original Dawn of the Dead is a classic, yes, but it's also a complete snooze. As a bonus, they're showing this along with the entire, 15-minute Thriller video, which is always fun.
Dead of Night - A zombie movie with political overtones directed by Bob Clark, who also directed A Christmas Story. Very weird, and not something you'll find playing just anywhere; worth your valuable time, for sure.
Homecoming - Everyone seemed to really like this when it aired as part of Showtime's Masters of Horror series, but I missed it.
George A. Romero's Martin - Fucking fabulous vampire movie. Tends to get overshadowed by Romero's other work, and that's a shame.
28 Weeks Later - Still kicking myself for not having caught this already.
Head Trauma - This is the only new thing showing at the festival. I know nothing about it.
The House By The Cemetery - Gory, strange haunted house movie. Directed by Lucio Fulci who also directed a little movie that featured a zombie fighting a shark.
Ichi the Killer - Not a horror movie, exactly, but disturbing nonetheless. Warning: Extremely misogynistic and unpleasant.
Wolf Creek - Australia's entry into the "survival horror" genre. Quite good, but slightly marred by the presence of a too-jokey killer along the same lines as the late-era Freddy Krueger.
Carrie - I'm going to this one because A) it's a great movie, and B) Girlfriend's never seen it. Sissy Spacek's best work as an actress, I think, and it's got an absolutely killer ending
Final Destination 3 - This would be the worst movie here. Can't even imagine why they picked up this turd, especially since the first Final Destination was actually a great, quirky little flick.
Halloween - Oh yeah! One of the greats; I'm so there, even though I've seen this a million times.
The Last House on the Left - Not a particularly good movie, though interesting in a historical context: It was Wes Craven's first film.
The Descent - The best horror film of last year, shown for the first time in America with its original ending intact. If you missed it when it was in the theaters, it's so worth the effort to go see it.


Blogger Unknown said...

When are they showing Mannequin?

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sissy Spacek's best work as an actress

I would beg to differ

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any horror festival that is not showing They Live with Rowdy Roddy Piper is not worth my incredibly valuable time... sorry.

Plus, I live in Texas... but I like the other excuse better!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Midwestern... They'll be showing Mannequin at the Meshach Taylor Retrospectus later in the summer.

Loretta Lynn... Yeah, yeah. She was good in that too, but I prefer her blood-soaked work better. Also, loved your last album!

Scott... Ah, but They Live came out in the 80's, thus it's ineligble for this particular fest. It IS a great movie, though. Epic back-alley fight scene.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

As a fellow horror flick fan, I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Unfortunately for me, the most frightening aspect of this fest is going to Queens to see it.

10:15 AM  
Blogger sugartits said...

Thank you thank you thank you! I hadn't heard about this yet, see you at Halloween...
And Jeff - Queens is where all the cool kids are. You'll find yourself strangely drawn, and end up living here within a year.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Jeff... Yeah, getting to the MoMI is a bit of a haul, particularly for those of us that live on the far side of Brooklyn. Still... horror movies.

Sugartits (if that's your real name)... No prob; happy to spread the word!

11:20 AM  
Blogger Colleen said...

must go. i agree with you on a lot of the movies. not the new Hills Have Eyes, that was too gore to watch, like just for shock value, i had to turn that one off.
but dawn of dead? hells yes. i need to go see the argento one and maybe some others.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Irish and Jew said...

hehe, spread.

Anyhoo- i think a clockwork orange is a hugely overrated movie. It's basically violence for the sake of violence with no real plot or message. HATES IT.


11:26 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Colleen... Yeah, Bird with Crystal Plumage is totally cool; not really a horror movie (more of a thriller), but way worth the effort. I'll be there, fo sho.

Jew... I think that violence-for-violence's-sake kind of WAS the message, but whatever. I've had a lot of friends over the years that were waaaay to into this movie, so I'm just kind of over it at this point.

11:43 AM  
Blogger blythe said...

I can only hope that the Meshach Taylor Retrospectus travels to OK this summer.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Don't worry; the MTR is going national very soon.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

A Clockwork Orange
A horror movie? Really?

Saw 2

I loved all the Saw series actually. I like how everything came together at the end in 3. I am fascinated by 'fate' movies like Final Destination.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

The original is too slow for me. I was surprised I liked the remake. Also, I love the ending of the one with Matthew McConahottie and Renee Zellwigger in it

The Devil's Rejects

LOATHED House of Corpses so didn't even bother with this one.

The Hills Have Eyes (1977)

Saw it as a kid, but don't remember it.


Loved it. Has the guy from Strangers With Candy in it. Can't wait to see the sequel.


I saw it, but it was called 'Shivers'.
It was ok. SLOOOOOW. I think they should remake it. Honestly there were like six lines of dialogue in the whole movie.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Loved it. Own it!

George A. Romero's Martin

Saw this as a kid too. Didn't like it from what I remember.

Wolf Creek

Loved it. Creeped me out. The guy who was with the two girls, major hubba hubba.


Surprisingly, I have never seen it.

Final Destination 3

Loved the series, even three. But then again, like I said, I am kind of obsessed with fate and how one is destined to die. The tanning bed scene in 3 freaks me out every time I go tan.


Classic! I get sucked in to it every time I catch it on. I remember seeing this as a kid and being so scared when I got home, I made everyone in the house sleep with the lights on.

The Descent

Loved it! Pleasantly surprised by it. Also creeped me out and I was totally suffering from claustrophobia while watching it. What was the original ending?

C-Dog, you should check out 'The Cube' series if you haven't already. Not really horror, but twisted. Netflix has it.

The plot:
'Six different people, each from a very different walk of life, awaken to find themselves inside a giant cube with thousands of possible rooms.

Each has a skill that becomes clear when they must band together to get out: a cop, a math whiz, a building designer, a doctor, an escape master, and a disabled man.

Each plays a part in their thrilling quest to find answers as to why they've been imprisoned.'

5:09 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Totally dig the Cube series; actually, I totally dig Cube 1 and 3. Part two was kinda lame and over-special effecty.

11:29 AM  
Blogger quin browne said...

clockwork orange...saw it when it came out, still stays with me.

carrie... saw it after some boulder blue.. it was after the prom, and the usher told me it was all over, my bro and i were all relaxed, eating jujyfruits, when the..well, you know.

we screamed like little girls.

with that said, sissy did snl after being put up for the oscar.. she comes out, dressed in a normal dress..

she says, "it's the homecoming game, after the dance...everyone is dead..." and rips off the dress.

turns out, she can baton twirl..

it was a hoot.

9:11 PM  

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