Saturday, April 07, 2007

Scaring The Children

Ha ha... whoops!

Having worked in a movie theater for a goodly chunk of my High School career, I can't tell you how surprising it is that stuff like this doesn't happen more often. Believe me when I say that projectionists at multiplexes could give a shit. Actually, the same could be said for those poor, blighted souls working behind the concessions counter (that was my job and I'm stronger for it, much like how the men who stormed the beach at Normandy weren't really afraid of anything for the remainder of their lives).

Seriously, I've had some miserably shitty jobs... mowing construction lots in Texas in August, standing on street corners trying to get people to donate money to charity, working off-the-books at a video store run by the Korean mafia, etc... but nothing, nothing, compares to telling people that their medium popcorn and small soda costs all the money that they have in their wallets over and over again. People get fucking angry about that (rightly so) and dealing with red-faced indignation for 8 hours a day is so not worth the 7.50 an hour.

Anyway, dinner with Rich Folk soon. Keep ya'll posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it's because I don't have kids, or maybe I'm just heartless, but I think that's pretty funny. I'm evil.
I'm actually about to start my second job tonight, cleaning a movie theater at midnight. It's going to be a nightmare. But hey, at least I only have to do it on Friday and Saturday nights, so it can't possibly crush my soul, right? *sigh*
At least I'll be bolstered by the fact that I know none of my fellow employees give a fuck about the place either, so the chances of hearing someone tell me light-heartedly, "Job security!" while motioning toward the mess, are slim to none.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may make me a huge douche but I am one of those guys who intentionally leaves all his shit on the floor when he leaves the theater instead of picking up after himself and putting it in the can on the way out. I figure for what I just paid for the movie and some popcorn I could have had a meal at an actual restaurant where I wouldn't be expected to throw my own stuff away. Sorry.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Giggleloop... Watch out for puddles of vomit. You'd be suprised how much people vomit in movie theaters. Not kidding.

J... I'm far enough removed from doing that particular job that I, too, don't clean up my movie-garbage. I look at it as a rite of passage for those who work in movie theaters. Also, I'm lazy.

12:24 PM  
Blogger lioux said...

standing on street corners trying to get people to donate money to charity

Were you a prostitute?

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No puddles of anything, surprisingly enough. Although I'm lucky to not have been working on Friday night: apparently one of the lovely patrons thought it a good idea to dump a jumbo tub of popcorn all over the mens' room floor and then urinate on it. Yeah.

I rarely get into the dilemna of whether or not to throw out my trash at the theater, since I don't usually buy anything. What I'll never understand is the people who buy $25 worth of a jumbo popcorn trough and three giant sodas - and then leave them all FULL in the theater. Why exactly are you wasting all that money (and no doubt complaining about how expensive it is to go to the movies anymore)?????

9:22 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Lioux... Yes. I was a prostitute. I just haven't mentioned it up to now.

Giggleloop... I once had to help clean a theater that had played host to a group of retarded kids who had all, at various points during the movie's 80min run time, vomited. Profusely. I still have nightmares.

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord, what the hell movie did they see? *shudder*

12:36 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

They were watching Small Soldiers. Pathetic that I still remember that after all these years, but there you go.

12:46 PM  

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