The Greatest Movie I Haven't Seen (Yet)
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord/
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, oh lord/
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord
-Phil Collins
And just what was Mr. Collins speaking of? Some say it references the death of a friend, or perhaps a stranger who drowned and could not be saved. Some say it's a song about the season premier of Miami Vice. But there are others... others who think that his words are a prophecy. Of what, we were never sure. Until now:
Phil knew. He knew that, one day, a live-action movie of Transformers would be made. And it would heal us all. Sadly, due to his involvement with all aspects of Disney's Tarzan, we can never truly trust his wisdom again; an Oscar does not a wise man make, my British friend. But in this one instance, the man was spot on.
Yes, the time has finally arrived: Transformers is here and I for one could not be more excited if seeing it involved free sensual rubdowns that come complete with a complimentary "happy ending" (NOTE: C-dog thinks a "happy ending" means you get a slice of cake after your rubdown; don't ruin his innocence by telling him otherwise). Nope, no rubdowns necessary... Transformers has got giant robots doing battle with each other across a variety of destroyable landscapes and that, kids, is like a sensual rubdown for your heart and soul. Seriously, I can't accurately describe to you how excited I am about seeing this movie; I think this is how devout people must feel about church.
Sadly, as I've plans tonight that involve heavy drinking and (sigh) socializing with witty, charming people, I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to see the movie that I'm pretty sure will make me lose weight and prevent everyone in the audience from ever getting cancer... that's okay, though. Waiting only makes it all the more sweet.
So, in anticipation of tomorrows cinematic excitement, here's some things that I, personally, hope to see during the movie's duration; I don't expect all of these things to happen in Transformers (I'm not greedy), but as long as a few of them do, then it will be the greatest movie of all time, ever, in the history of movies. Ever.
Things I Hope Happen In Transformers
-Two giant robots fight each other amid giant explosions (kind of a given, but still).
-Have one of the main characters say this line: "Optimus Prime, you've transformed... my... heart!"
-Megatron steps on Shia LeBouef. Then it cuts to Megatron scraping his foot off on a large rock.
-Tap-dance number.
-A brief flash of robot wang. Because you know robots have wangs. Especially ones that can transform from cars; I mean, what do you think happens to the exhaust pipe? Answer: Wang.
-A training montage where one of the Autobots starts off not being able to fight very well but, through a series of exercises and a rousing pop number by Foreigner, he learns to embrace his inner-robot and be a champion!
-A twist ending where it's revealed that Starscream was dead the whole time.
-Fart joke after fart joke after fart joke. Then, to clear the palate, a poop joke.
-Scenes of the robots walking quickly down long hallways while discussing politics, like in The West Wing. I know it kind of goes against the whole "robots fighting robots" ethos of the Transformers mythology, but still... that'd crack my ass up.
How can you be excited about a movie I am not in? I wasn't even offered a part... Too old they told me. Of course I am old, we all are.
So on behalf of Mirage, Patrol, Bluestreak, Sideswipe, Huffer, Hound, and Trailbreaker we say screw you Michal Bay, and for that matter screw you c-dog for supporting anti-age discrimination.
I'm with you in hoping for a Gene Kelly/Fred Estaire esqe tapdance number...but I have the feeling they're just going to play it safe and have them all do THE ROBOT dance instead, sigh!
i don't get transformers... sorry!
But just because i'm not at work this week doesn't mean i'm not reading the blog! I added my 2 cents on the serial killer post :)
Don't tell Irish though, i told her i'm too busy to blog anything ;)
Wheeljack... Is it Michael Bay's fault that you transform into an Italian car and, thus, not a Chevy? Nope, don't think so.
Gal Gotham... You know, the Transformers doing The Robot... yeah, I'd watch that. Especially if they're doing it amid explosions. Idea for the sequel, maybe?
Jew... There's not really that much to "get," per se. It's just big robots hitting each other. But hey, that's not for everyone. Also, you're secret's safe with me. Far as Irish is concered, we're discussing business over here.
Hey Clint - With the happy hour tonight and a BBQ tomorrow, it looks like I'll have to wait until Thursday to see Transformers. I can't wait!!
One thing I hope to see in the movie is the FBI agent say "We need to get these muther fucking robots off this muther fucking planet"!
Well I used to be a German car, now I am not.... but I am still in the movie.
saw it last night... worst summer movie, ever. seriously lame.
Jeff... Or they could have Snakes on a Transformer. I'd pay to see that.
Jazz... You're there because of your ties to the music industry.
Mr. Shain... You seem to always be a Negative Ned, therefore your opinion is rejected out of hand. Ha! So there!!! But thanks for trying to kill the buzz.
When do we get a Go-Bot movie?
There will be a Go-Bot movie roughly around the time that anyone on the planet starts giving a crap about the Go-Bots. And, yes, I know they "technically" came first... big whoop.
jew doesn't get transformers, nor am i interested, because we're girls.
however i did until saturday have a deceptacon™®© symbol on the cover of the spare tire on the front of wolfgang, my vw bus. because my pal bought them for everyone down the shore years ago. then on saturday, we had to use the spare tire! and the cover came off!
true story.
i know: very exciting.
i'm excited to see robot wang. i never even considered it a possiblity. but now...
call me buzz kill billy. no seriously, i like it when you call me names...
Wow, a tap dance number would be PHENOMENAL! Would it be robot style? I'm envisioning shuffle hop stepping all over the place while pushing one arm so that it swings from side to side from the elbow hinge.
It must be wonderful to live in the faint hope that Michael Bay will ever make something that doesn't suck. Sure it sucks when you sit through this garbage and are filled with rage and disappointment (yet again) but for the months and months leading up to the disappointment it would be nice to have something to look forward to. It must be like being able to believe in Santa Clause or that presidential candidates are measurably different from one another. I know I covered this back when you wrote about Die Hard 4 but in effect by watching the Transformers movie you are giving this douche your blessing to remake The Birds. My hands are clean.
Clint, you mean to tell me you missed seeing Robot Jox?
i gotta say, transformers didn't interest me all that much as a kid. when the live action my little pony movie comes out, i'll know how you feel.
Man.. I like to criticize Mike Bay for making fun movies... I am the coolest!!!
Heaven forbid I watch something that isn't immediately Oscar worthy. I am going to criticize a movie for being unrealitstic even though I know the major plotline involves alien robots from another planet fighting eachother and blowing shit up.
It's fucking Transformers people... my favorite toys growing up! Get over yourself and let one of the greatest summer blockbusters of all time entertain you!
Saw it today and I couldn't help but smile when everyone in the theater applauded at the end!
J..... go fuck yourself you sanctimonious asshole
Sorry guys... I was a little drunk last night. I apologize for my abrasive attitude!
Alright now, everyone just simmer down. ZFS! is all about love and hope and everyone getting along, preferably with the aide of sweet, sweet, alcohol. Scott, thanks for apologizing, even though I totally agree with you about certain people needing to relax.
David... What's Robot Jox? What am I missing?
Blythe... Michael Bay is directing the My Little Pony movie next summer. Those horses with DESTROY each other.
You have never seen Robot Jox, my good what do you do spend your life drinking? It's a movie where wars are settled in an arena with two giant robots duking it out. The pilots sit inside thier heads and control them. Kind of like Mech Warrior. I bet is safe to say that Transformers is better then it but most likely not by much as I am sure Transformer didn't have any nudity in it. Go rent the DVD, if it even made it to DVD that it, it might have gotten stuck on Beta, or maybe just film. Just drink a lot before watching it and I am sure it will be much better.
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