Friday, March 09, 2007

The Return of the Tax

I got my tax return this morning, finally, and I'm having to stop typing this sentence every couple of words so that I can do an elaborate tap-dance of joy.

I've got big plans for this infusion of cash... a couple of trips (Chicago in April, Boston in May), pay some debt, buy myself a nice pair of solid gold pants, etc. But first, before I purchase anything, I'm going to withdraw it all from the bank, spread it out on the bed, and roll around in it like Demi and Woody in Indecent Proposal. Nobody appreciates windfalls such as this like people who are almost always one trip to the hospital or a case of identity theft away from complete and utter ruin.

Granted, my financial woes are entirely my fault. Wouldn't claim otherwise because, the evidence is brutally and overwhelmingly against me. I suck at money management in much the same way that Alaskan brown bears suck at not eating campers. And what's weird is that I'm not a materials-oriented guy; I don't buy expensive electronics or crap like that, I've never bought a car, I wear the clothes I own until they rot off my body, I not a "bling" type of person (except for the solid gold pants, but you've got to treat yourself sometimes)... I do buy books, and I do eat take-out too much but really, that's it. Oh yeah, and rent and bills and all that junk too, but that doesn't count because there's nothing I can do about those unless I want to live out in the woods in a shack and live off the fat of the land, and that's certainly not going to happen until the fat of the land starts to include cable and a beer on tap. And yet, the only way money could burn a hole in my pocket faster would be if it were actually on fire.
Need to fix that one of these days.

Anyway, all of this is another way of saying that I'm really fucking thrilled that some money's come my way. I believe Coolio said it best when he said, "Dolla dolla bill, yall." Dolla dolla bill yall, indeed, good sir.


Blogger Irish and Jew said...

I read the headline of this post... and faster then I thought my fingers new how to type I logged into my banking site and HOLY SHIT MY TAX RETURN CAME TODAY TOO!!!!


Actually no I'm not... I owe Jew's brother $200, owe a friend for a Yanks package for the upcoming season and have some C-Card Debt... but whatever... I'm RICH for the next 24 hours!! Hell yea!


11:01 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

You, me, same boat... All my money's pretty much tagged for it's destination already. Still, nice to have it in my account where I can at least admire it from afar.

11:09 AM  
Blogger lioux said...

If you're a MySpacer Like Colleen and MySelf you should make friends with this guy.

He's totally top 20 friend material.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

That guy's so all about money that he farts quarters.

I assume.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Beehive Hairdresser said...

Both you and Irish allowed me to get high hopes of getting my tax refund, only to fall back down to reality of not being able to keep up with the Joneses in the world of buying fashionable gold pants.

Sidenote question, isn't "dolla dolla bill y'all" from the song Cream, by the Wu Tang Clan? Or is it a phrase that's been all over the place?

12:14 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Who's less qualified to answer that question than me? No one, that's who.

I just Googled that particular phrase and Coolio was the first name that came up assosiated with it. So I went with that.

You're probably right, though. Google tells lies with it's forked tounge.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Gold pants are the new Leiderhosen.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Colleen said...

Saaaame damn financial situaish with me, buddy. It's just the living in NYC, and I was done in by some seriously evil APR on credit cards, but now I am like the Dad on a Christmas story fighting the furnace when they try to jack it up on me. I roll up my sleeves and get fired up for a nice call to the cc company and maybe a good old fashioned balance-transferoo. Anyway, cheers to you, and hope I get a big fat refund, too.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Irish and Jew said...

Montell Jordan says "but now i'm a big G/ girls see i got the money/hundred dollar bills y'all" In this is how we do it... maybe that's what you're thinking of? Growing up in jersey, EVERYONE knew all the lyrics to that song, and when it came on at a party, batmitzvah, sweet 16 whatever- everyone would sing it. Because we were tools.


ps i'm broke

1:18 PM  
Blogger Jonathan T said...

Out of all the people I know, I've always been the one who never gets a refund. I owe The Man about $800 this year and haven't sent it in. My wife and I bought a house this year and were totally anticipating getting a refund due to mortgage interest assistance, but to no avail. [Sniff]

A few years back when Bush gave everybody $300, somehow I ended up with a check for $3.12. The government hates me.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Thanks Jew! I was racking my brain where that came from.

1:44 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Big Daddy... So, does this my lederhosen are out of fashion now? Because those were some fucking expensive German pants.

Colleen... Yeah, I got a credit card when I was 18, ran up about 5000$ in debt, and am STILL paying that shit off. Credit cards are the devils playthings.

Jew... You're not a tool, you're straight hood, G. Or Jew. As it were.

Jonathan... Tax refunds are one of the only benfits of owning nothing and being worthless.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Irish and Jew said...

no problem big daddy! Wow i REALLY liked saying that! hello freud...


2:12 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Clinton: Hold on to them. They should be back in style in about 2 years. You know how fickle fashion is.

Jew: Not as much as I like hearing it. Kiddinig

3:22 PM  
Blogger freshbread said...

um.. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Coolio. But you probably know that.

11:06 PM  
Blogger freshbread said...

oh yeah... and your money worries might have something to do with the fact that you live in, uh... FUCKIN' NEW YORK!! Where a bagel costs $50 dollars and panhandlers don't take coins.

Or you're into expensive hookers and blow in stretch limos, one of the two (or your girlfriend is, one of the three).

I need to go do something else now.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

You say "into expensive hookers and blow" like it's a bad thing.

Oh but seriously... yeah, New York probably is a big part of why I'm habitually cashless. Having to pay 10.25$ for a movie is the definition of fiscal insanity, I'll grant you.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Yay! My tax return funded my recent NYC visit, which was worth every second of being screwed over by the Man for the previous year. . . .enjoy it, buddy.

2:40 PM  

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