Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Multiple Choice Question

1. In what way am I, today, the most like a hobo?

a) I've got all my possessions in a bindle that I've jauntily slung over my shoulder
b) I stabbed a guy who touched my bedroll
c) I've got a hole in my boot that lets the rain have it's way with my sock
d) I reek of filthy clothes, subway stations and abject sorrow

The Correct Answer is: C

I found out that I have a hole in my boot this morning as I walked to the subway station and noticed that, while my left foot was snuggled warm and dry in it's sock like a sleeping child, my right foot was being held under water by Mafia goons as a form of punishment for squealing to the Feds. I'm deeply, deeply saddened by this fact because I now have exactly ZERO pairs of shoes that are entirely water-tight. And during the rainy season, no less. Compounding my misery, I'm broke right now, so I can't buy a new pair of shoes until next week.

So. Being me is absolutely a riot.


Blogger Jonathan T said...

Are there no cobblers around? I know it costs money to re-sole a shoe, but it's cheaper (and less time-consuming) than buying a new pair.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Nah, I prefer to whine. Actually, since it's a rubber soled shoe, I'm going to attack it with super glue and possibly a caulking gun when I get home. See what kind of magic that creates.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Getting a shoe re-soled, is so not cheaper.

10:47 PM  

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