Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crazy Train

The Weekly Awesome! will be up later today, so put the gun down, but first, this:

Proof Positive That New York Has Made Me All Dead Inside

My subway stop was closed this morning and there were a bunch of police vehicles, ambulances and reporters all over the place. People were cramming themselves into shuttle busses, there were panicked conversations on cellphones and a general sense of chaos permiated the air. I asked a guy holding a fancy-looking camera what was going on and he informed me that someone had fallen onto the tracks and been run over by the oncoming train. A horrible tragedy. It happens a few times a year here in NYC, but it's still always a bit rattling; especially when it happens at your subway stop. However, despite the panic and the emotions and the queasy empathy that I should have by all rights felt, my first thought was this...

"Fuck... now I'm going to be late."

So I'm a terrible person, turns out. How was your morning?


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