Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Year of Cohabitation

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Girlfriend and I deciding that it would be best for everyone if we merged our book collections together under one roof. Yes, one year ago today, we were unloading a Uhaul full of our (well, mostly her) stuff and lugging it up three flights of steep, mean stairs to what would become our railroad apartment in Bay Ridge. It was a great day for us and it's been a great year from then to now.

There have been, of course, some adjustments that we've both had to make so that we didn't end up in a Reservoir Dogs-style stand-off in our living room. We both, to one degree or another, suffer from the dreaded Only Child Syndrome, which is occasionally like throwing two rabid badgers in a sack and giving it a good shake. But all and all, it's been an entertaining adventure with only a minimal amount of scarring, physical or otherwise. No regrets, no retreat... NO SURRENDER!!!

Uh... sorry... I was thinking of steel-cage matches for a second.

Anyway, just wanted to mark the happy occasion. Will get back to the abundance of drinking references and fart jokes shortly.


Blogger Beehive Hairdresser said...


and I had no idea that you lived in Bay Ridge as well...

11:37 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Totally; great neighborhood, Bay Ridge. Lots of bars. We're right off the BR stop on the R train, thus continuing my streak of living in apartments that are a block or less from the subway.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Irish and Jew said...

Ahh Two Only Children!! Weird, I tend to vear towards oldest children... we're control freaks... it's annoying as hell.

In other news one of my all time favorite pizza places... Original on 4th and Bay Ridge Ave. Delish.


11:54 AM  
Blogger Clinton said...

That place IS good! I'm kind of addicted to the chicken, tomato and onion pie from Grandma's Pizza on 3rd and 69th, though.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Colleen said...

Congrats, dude. I'm going to be shacking up with an only child pretty soon. What happens when you combine that with my sassy younger sister of a placid older brother syndrome? Guess we'll find out!

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My advice for only children moving in with roommates/love to put your name on all your foodstuffs.

When you shack up with food vanishes.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Jonathan T said...

Congratulations! I "lived in sin" with my now wife for 3 years before making an honest woman out of her. Glad to hear that things are going well for y'all.

And don't forget the boobies.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Braden said...

After witnessing both the "before" and "after" habitats, I can attest that it was definitely a move in the right direction. For instance, the current dwelling exhibits many more tastefully decorated walls and much less man-musk. Congrats!

1:37 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Colleen... I'm predicting knife fights. But in a fun way!

Anonymous... Yes, well, maybe your food wouldn't disappear if it wasn't all so delicious. Didja ever think of that "Anonymous," if that is your real name, which it's not, GIRLFRIEND!!!!!

Jonathan... No worries. I never forget about the boobies. Never ever.

Braden... Dude, you told me my man musk was awesome.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Beehive Hairdresser said...

You're a block away from one of my old high schools. I'm more of a fan of Leo's pizza at Casa Calamari 3rd and 86th.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beehive, is your old highschool the one that stages car washes all the time on 3rd ave?


6:35 PM  
Blogger FrancesDanger said...

Congratulations! I myself have merged CD collections only one time. I should have known it wasn't going to work out when I made sure I 'marked' all of mine so I know which ones to take with me when I left.

3:54 AM  
Blogger Beehive Hairdresser said...

I don't know about what school does carwashes down there on 3rd...but I was referring to the High School of Telecommunications Arts & Technology, home of the Yellowjackets - otherwise known as the school both the lamest name and school mascot.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FrancesDanger - so true. I did the exact same thing when my now ex g/f (of like 4 years) and I moved in together. Reeeeally should have known that if I felt I needed to mark the CDs then I knew it wasn't going to last forever. The good thing is when I left I already had an iPod and a separate itunes library on my work computer. So I may have left all the CDs to her cheatin' ass, but you KNOW i fucked all of them up before I bounced. I can give lessons in "mature" if anyone would like one...

12:20 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Boobies... Heh, that's hilarious! I feel that, if a parter is of the cheating type, then you're well within your rights to get down with your immature self all over the CD collection. You should have also stolen the TV.

12:41 PM  
Blogger Tracy Kaufman said...

Booyahs all around! Me and my own man friend are talking about moving in together at last when our leases are up this spring. While the commute seems a little scary, Bay Ridge keeps seeming like a HUGE temptation as it's the only neighborhood left that's nice and pretty and fun but still has affordable rent.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Clinton said...

Sloth... The commute's actually not as bad as people think. I can be from my doorstep to my job in midtown in 45 minutes; faster than when I used to live on the G train, that's for sure. You get used to it really fast, especially if you think of it as "quality reading time."

1:50 PM  
Blogger Beehive Hairdresser said...

Sloth, Clinton is absolutely right. Think of the commute from Bay Ridge as YOU time - do what you wish with it. Otherwise you will live each day with the horror of being underground for a really long time.

I mainly use it to nap, and just ponder.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The carwash kids have yellow and black shirts.

Oh, and yellowjackets aren't as bad a my highschool mascot:

The Lady Northstars.


4:19 PM  
Blogger Beehive Hairdresser said...

gf, Touché.

9:30 AM  

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