Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell: Dead

I'm not a hateful person. Sure, I can put forth the sass with the best of them and, true, I've been known to mock my fair share, but still the fact remains: I'm generally not someone who takes delight in the misery of others. However, that being said, the first thing I thought when I saw that Jerry Falwell had died was, "Good." Followed closely by, "I hope it was painful."
Few have done more towards making this a more intolerant, vicious nation than Rev. Falwell and the fact that he's no longer breathing the same air as the rest of us can only be viewed as the best thing that's happened since Ted Haggard got busted with a male prostitute. If the Hell that he preached about so fervently does in fact exist, I can only assume that he's there now, catching a red-hot pitchfork in the ass.
One would hope, anyway.
All the details here


  1. Going back to British humour, I've been watching a lot of this lately.

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Why would you want to go back to British humor when a evil son of a bitch like Jerry Falwell just died?

    It's time for a parade if you ask me.

  3. Yah, I won't miss him.

  4. Anonymous... I'll get my baton.

    Big Daddy... Word. He'll only be missed by those like him, i.e. bastards.

  5. Yay! This was the best news I've gotten all week (again, I'm also not one to do my happy dance when someone dies but I don't think Rev. Falwell was human, anyway).

    Although I quake with fear just thinking about how the Moral Majority is going to top the evilness that was Jerry Falwell. I'm sure there's some evil minion out there who just can't wait to carry on the Reverend's smarmy evilness.

    (Although the Moral Majority would definitely get a bit better if they chose to replace Rev. Falwell with Rev. Run. That would actually be rather cool.)

    (And I'm Irish. If you can be British and/or Australian then I get to be Irish! Now I need some Bushmills to seal the deal.)

  6. I'd really like to think that this is the begining of the end for the Moral Majority, though that's probably wishful thinking.

    And you can totally be Irish. Drink one for me!

  7. Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to even waste my breath on him.

  8. Like most sane, open-minded people I detested Falwell and am sure he is burning in hell. Also, like most folks with a twisted sense of humor, I love the Young Ones (thanks lioux).

  9. Lioux... Fair enough, dude.

    Jeff... It's great being blessed with a sane, open mind, isn't it? As for the Young Ones, I haven't watched them since I was in high school; should correct that soon.

  10. i thought i had a little tear..then i realised it was just allergies.

    my bad.

  11. from the picture, I feel like there are going to be a LOT of all-u-can-eat buffets in Lynchburg with their flags at half staff this week.

    btw, c-dawg, do your premonition of the end of the world had anything to do with the fact that it's the final episode of the Gilmore Girls? Cuz you were a day early.

  12. I heard it here first. Maybe ZFS should be my primary source of dead guy news!

  13. Quin... Store-brand allergy medicine mixed liberally with well whiskey. Just sayin'.

    Pigeon... No, but I do mourn the passing of the Gilmore Girls. I've seen the first three season and they were fantasticly written and acted, across the board. Haven't seen anything since, though.

    Jonathan... I like to think of myself as the CNN for drunks.

  14. omg I thought I was the only one whp recognized the perfection of the cocktail that is otc allergy pills plus scotch.

    pourin' out some allergy-otch for Lorelei and Rory.

  15. you're a racist! and you must hate freedom!

  16. Pigeon... Much respect, yo.

    Dmbmeg... It's true, I spend most of my off-hours hating on Freedom.

  17. Like Lioux, though I'm tempted to say I hope he catches a red-hot giant strap-on or cock in the ass worn by a feminist lesbian or a gay athiest respectively, I shan't waste my breath either.

    Love, Love, Love the Young Ones.

  18. See, I'm taking the other route. The smack-talking route. But that's just because I really, really enjoy trashing the religious right.
