Monday, April 30, 2007

Old Navy Hates Fat People

I'm a big guy. Husky. Amply proportion. Large and only very occasionally in charge. When you get right down to it, I'm fat. I know this much is true and I know that it's entirely my own fault. I've always been stocky, but there was a time when I could actually call myself an athlete; I played football, soccer, I ran cross-country and track (not particularly well, but nonetheless). After high school, though, I became aware of the fact that... hey, now... I'm on my own! I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. Double bacon cheeseburgers at 2am? Why, that's the best idea in the history of people shoving foodstuffs into their face holes!!! It was around this time that I also discovered how much fun it is to drink large quantities of beer while doing nothing at all that even remotely resembles activity. The only marathons I participated in involved Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. As a result, and to the surprise of no one, I plumped up like a Ballpark frank.

I will say, in my own defense, that I wear it well. Being a fat ass hasn't ever hurt my sex life (thank fucking christ there are ladies who love the "teddy bear" type) and, when called upon to do so, I can look presentable for whole, entire evenings. I don't have trouble getting around and I can walk up the three flights of steep stairs in my apartment building without needing an oxygen tank or a visit from the EMTs.

I know that being 5'10" and 280 pounds is unhealthy, but thus far it's been manageable. And, finally, I'm making an effort to shed some of my extra bulk, thanks in large part to Girlfriend; she says she doesn't want to see me die at 45 because my heart has turned into a solid block of pork fat, which is always nice to hear. So I've been walking a lot. I've been eating less and not so late. I've been... (heavy sigh)... drinking less. I've been, in short, making an effort. I've already noticed a difference and I feel pretty good about myself in general.

Or I did right up until yesterday, when I tried to buy some pants.

Now, for as long as I can remember, I've been a regular patron of Old Navy. Since I have no sense of personal style to speak of, their bland, inoffensive shirts and pants have always suited me just fine. I've never particularly cared what kind of clothes I wore because... well... I just don't care. Also, I hate shopping. I hate trying on clothes to see if they fit. I hate malls. I hate driving to malls. I hate the people who hang out in malls... blech, just everything about the process makes me itch. So Old Navy's always been my destination of choice when the need for new gear becomes dire. They always have my size, the stuff they sell isn't going to make me look like an idiot, whatever; I can get in, grab some stuff and get the hell on with my life.

So imagine my shock, my shame, my anger when I discovered that Old Navy no longer carries my pants size in their store. "You'll have to go online for those, sir. Or maybe go down the street to Academy and buy a tent from their camping section. Perhaps if you wrap that around your lower half, people will just assume you've got on pants. Oh, and I think there's a Dunkin' Donuts on the way there; how nice for you!!!" Okay, the clerk didn't actually say that last part (not with her mouth, anyway; her eyes said differently). Still, the fact remains: Old Navy, at least as far as pants are concerned, is dead to me.

And, for the record, going online to shop isn't going to happen. I don't want to wait a week for pants that I haven't even tried on. Fuck that.

My question is: Why? Why hath Old Navy forsaken me? It's not like we, collectively as a nation, are getting any slimmer. It's not like it's just me walking around all fat n' stuff. So why have they stopped carrying stuff for the larger-assed male?

Because they're a bunch of jerks, that's why. They don't want to be seen with a store full of fat people, getting their fat all over everything and making the whole place smell like french fries and loneliness. They want to appear cool and hip and slender now that they're a big, popular purveyor of clothing and those of us who hung out with them back in the old days can just go fuck all the way off with our fat selves.
Maybe one day they'll change their ways. Maybe one day they'll run to us with open arms and all will be forgiven as we purchase some shorts that fit. Maybe. But until then, it's going to be nothing but this:
So, in conclusion, let me just say...
P.S. Before anyone else brings it up, I'm fully aware that I could just lose a bunch of weight so that I can fit into the pants that Old Navy currently sells. Like I said earlier, I'm working on that, but that's soooo not the point.


  1. Totally funny. Found this blog randomly and the title drew me in. I loved the part about smelling "like French fries and loneliness". And also that picture made my day.

  2. Here's a Fun Fact, Clinton:

    My childhood best friend did an Old Navy®™©™ commercial not too long ago.

    He also played a Giant Pepsi®™©™ can.

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    As a person of largitude, I feel your pain. I only buy shirts at Old Navy, since only their upperwear fits my curvaceous form. But I love their soft fluffy t-shirts.... *sigh*
    I actually went on an Old Navy quest last weekend, trying to find a clearanced pin-striped blazer in XXL. The nice lady ended up getting one shipped to my house from a store in Valencia, CA. :D *cuddles my blazer* It's very Doctor Who. *nods*

  4. ok considering I actually work in retail and am responsible a lot of time for the sizes in these stores, i feel like i need to give you some advice.

    go to a different store. you might want to go to an old navy where the demographic is, um, larger. if no one is buying the larger sizes, sometimes the store will eliminate carrying them.

    like stay away from chelsea.

  5. Billy Brame... Thanks dude! Come back any time; we're always open.

    Lioux... This guy that I hated in High School is now in McDonalds commercials. He was irritating then and I imagine he's irritating now.

    Giggleloop... Stay strong, sister. Shopping online has just always seemed like a bad idea. Also I'm WAY impatient.

  6. Dmbmeg... That's a fair point. I felt I was pretty safe with the Old Navy in the Atlantic Center, but I guess I'm going to have to look elsewhere. I actually HAVE been to the Old Navy in Chelsea and it was hilariously tragic. Very skinny boys in Chelsea. Very skinny.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Not to mention that Old Navy's pant sizes run about 2 sizes smaller than they actually are. I wear a 32 everywhere else... at Old Navy, I can't fit into anything smaller than a 36. So not only do they make fat people feel bad, but they make healthy people feel fat!

  8. You dont need them... though if you want to feel slim just go to an Old Navy in the Midwest (or back in TX) and I am sure you will be right back in the middle of the sliding scale of sizes available.

  9. I always hated old Navy cause their shit falls apart in the wash, but i noticed they had some cool sundresses this season, so i bought some.

    I took one back because the Med was huge on my lower half and simultaneously tiny on my tits for some reason, and the other two are falling apart in the wash.

    Then again, JCrew doesn't have a sundress for under $98... what's a girl to do? I say we just start wearing togas again.


  10. Chris... You totally reminded me; I tried on a XXL shirt yesterday at Old Navy and it was a little tight. Dude, I've fucking LOST WEIGHT!!! They're changing their sizes because it physically can't be me.

    Midwesterner... Word. I need to go to an Old Navy in a part of the world where they eat a lot of cheese.

    Jew... I'm ALL for togas. Then I'd always be ready to party. Plus, Animal House never goes out of style.

  11. I haven't confirmed this yet, but you might find Old Navy more accomodating in non-NYC locales. My bf is an XL in boxers, and his Texan aunt got him some down there for Christmas from Old Navy. They turned out to be gi-gan-tor, way too big. I know, everything's big in Texas, blah blah, but I went to try to exchange them at the Brooklyn Old Navy and tried to ask the cashier about this phenomenon, but she spelled my name Coline or something after I spelled it for her like three times. So the matter of relative Old Navy sizing remains a mystery.

  12. You're not wrong; my mom always buys me clothes from Old Navy for Christmas and they always seem to fit just fine (Mom's in Texas as well).

    Must be just a New York thing. Which blows because, as I've stated many times, I happen to live there.

  13. The size phenomenon is totally different for girls...years ago, I was always a size 6 skirts, 8 pants. Now, despite the fact that I have gained at least 20 pounds since then, at Old Navy I can still feel good about myself, cause according to their vanity sizing I still fit into a 6 skirt and 8 pants.

  14. I'm sometimes an Old Navy size two, and in fact one of my favorite t-shirts is an Old Navy kids' shirt. This despite the fact that I live in the Midwest and eat lots and lots and lots of cheese. Viva Old Navy, sometimes.

    At Neiman-Marcus, however, I am a size eleventy hundred.

  15. Kitty... See, I'd totally dig that. Old Navy needs to hip to the fact that we fat guys would enjoy wearing a size 36 every now and again. Even if it is a sham.

    Also, your blog makes me hungry. In a good way.

    Pigeon... At Neiman-Marcus, I'm not allowed in the door because they think I'm a homeless man.

  16. Hey Clinton, first of all, congrats on your weight loss so far. But I wonder what your sponsor, Cobbler-dogs, thinks about this new "healthy" lifestyle you are promoting.

    Second, I read something in this post that really frightened me, "I've been... (heavy sigh)... drinking less." Those are four words I never want to hear. How about rather than drinking less, you just drink more vodka. Its a wonderful low calorie, healthy alternative to beer and it comes in lots of tasty flavors.

  17. Cobblerdogs Inc. is currently suing me for, their words, "All the damn monies in the world you muthafucka!!!" I can only assume that the case will be thrown out of court when the judge realizes that the chairman of Cobblerdogs Inc. is, in fact, a semi-trained weiner dog named Fritz.

    As for the drinking... well... I'm mostly just talking about cutting back on the beer. Liquor will always be up for grabs. As long as I can afford it, of course.

  18. Gap Inc. [owner of Old Navy and Banana Republic] is trying to turn it's operations around due to low sales, so one effort has been to reduce stock on the shelves for quicker turn around.

    You guys aren't alone in the size discrepency. Consumerist had an interesting post on Gap here.

    I actually went in to a Gap a few weeks back, and they actually had some cool stuff. I got a neato blazer for $40.

  19. Thanks Clinton, you were much more helpful than the Old Navy associate. Victoria's Secret does vanity sizing, too. You are like, "Whaaaa? But this is my size..? YESS! My boobs are huge now! Oh wait."

  20. Big Daddy... Well, I guess I'll have to start shoplifting from The Gap then.

    Colleen... I do try to be helpful. Though I'm shocked that Victoria's Secret has been lying to me about my breast size.

  21. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Clint...two words to cut down on drinking calories: VODKA COLONIC!

    I've got the aquarium tubing if you've got the Stoli!

  22. fuck old navy. you make excellent salsa, and that's all one needs in life.

  23. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I say we get a lobby of larger men together and demand that clothing retailers standardize their sizes.

    We're here! We have large rears! Get used to it!

    (Although, like you, I hope to slim down a bit. Damn college and it's flowing rivers of Yuengling and mega-fries.)

    [Side note: I used to comment on your blog as Chris W but now I decided to start my own blog. Nothing there yet. Will be soon, I think.]

  24. Girlfriend... Stop trying to stick aquarium tubing up my ass.

    Cheese... Amen, sister. My salsa will provide me endless comfort, even if I have no pants.

    Stumblebum (ne Chris W)... Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. You'll be getting your fruit basket soon. Also, what are "mega-fries?" Leave out no detail.

  25. come to my hood,my almost penpal.

    i'll let you walk my dogs...they've given this ol..mature lady guns and thighs of steel. i've dropped 20lbs and am now in a size 8.

    oh, yeah.

  26. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Mega-fries are a large round aluminum tin filled with your average French fries. But then they add a huge helping of cheez-whiz...and then melted mozzarella...and then slices of bacon...and then ranch dressing. All for about 5 bucks.

    I've never had it before I came to Philly and now I can't seem to stop eating them even though I know each order takes at least three years off of my life.

  27. Oh... sweet... jesus... can you figure out a way to send me a plate of those through the internet? Because I want them in my face like yesterday.

  28. walk away from the fries.

    walk the dogs with me... you can see so much... celebs in soho (light a bic and see them run so their breasticles won't melt), trees in bloom, overpriced coffee..bums who poo in the park.

    yes, padawan... walk with me. and watch out for the crack in the sidewalk across from the soho grand where i caught my foot yesterday and did a titplant in front of 20 people yesterday.


    real class.
