Thursday, April 05, 2007

8-Bit Tie

This has been bouncing around the net all day (Boing Boing, Geekologie, etc.) but I want to throw my two-cents in as well...

Okay, so what we have here is a necktie that's made to look like an 8-bit video game graphic of... well... a necktie. My first reaction, as I'm sure was the first reaction of anyone who grew up with an NES controller sprouting from their hands, was "Oh, cool." Then I thought about it a little more because, seriously, what else do I have to do at work? Certainly not my job. Anyway, the more I thought about the concept of a tie that looks 8-bit, the more I'm pretty sure that it's one of those things that's only cool in theory, like sleeping with your friend's hot mom or The Arcade Fire.

Wearing one of these things essentially means that you're wearing a big, cultural in-joke around your neck, with all the explaining why your tie looks weird to people who don't get it that that implies. Also, it means... and I say this with all the love I'm capable of... that you're just so much of a dork, it's like you're bent over begging for a wedgie.

Perhaps it's my subdued nature, but I'm not a fan of advertising my likes and dislikes, my hobbies and so forth with my clothing. I don't even own band t-shirts, so committed am I to that philosophy (also, band t-shirts are pricey).

So, yes, going to have to give the 8-bit tie the official ZFS! Frowny Face of Mild-to-Moderate Disapproval.


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You've got it all wrong, Clint. You don't wear an 8 bit necktie in public places where you'd be questioned by stupid people who never played videogames. (Or worse yet the new generation who've never played anything older than Playstation)

    No, you wear a snazzy tie like that to Lan parties and to score hot geeky chicks. The geeks are inheriting the earth, and women are wising up enough to know that brains equal money in today's techo-savvy world.

    Hell, girls could even wear the tie in order to attract geeky beaus...kinda like a mating tie.

    It goes to say, it's not what you's where you wear it. Or something.

  2. Forget the tie, what's going on with his hair? Is he wearing a skull cap?

  3. Yes. Geeky.

    And I totally can't wait for this week's ZFS! installment of "Oooh, Pretty"!

  4. Nobody's wearing ties anymore. They went out with powdered wigs.

  5. Girlfriend... Yeah, I guess. Still. Seems to smack of trying to hard, my opinion.

    Big Daddy... His hair is made of industry-grade plastic.

    Lioux... Excellent! Will probably be up a little early tomorrow, as we're getting out of the office at 1pm. Yay Easter!!!

    Jeff... What's weird is, I haven't worn a tie in like five years. Except for when I was in a play and had to. But in real life, not so much.

  6. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The only time I wear ties anymore is for funerals. I have gone with the ultra-hip "no tie" look for weddings now. Cause I'm just cool enough to pull that look off! Hell i was in a wedding in October and we wore button down shirts untucked and shoes with no socks.

    Just made me think though.... you know there is a geek wedding somewhere that the groomsmen are all wearing those ties.

    That's my little moment of joy for today!

  7. You know, that reminds me... I wore a tie because I was in a wedding last year. Does it count if it's part of a tux? Seems like it shouldn't.

  8. You should only wear that tie if you work for G4 covering the Singapore Video Game Festival on a Tuesday afternoon.

  9. It really is a Tuesday afternoon sort of tie, isn't it?

  10. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Oh it counts... anything you wear tied around your neck (on purpose) counts as official neckware. Not sure if auto-erotic asphyxiation counts or not.... gonna have to get back to you on that one!

  11. Definitely, definitely a Tuesday afternoon tie, but I get my boxer shorts at K-Mart in Cincinnati...

  12. But when will Science give us a REAL tie on an 8-BIT MAN?

    When, Science? WHEN?!?!?

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Science still hasn't perfected the 7-bit man. Nor the 7-bit necktie, in my opinion.
